Thursday, October 26, 2017

Listen to SANSKRIT verses sung most beautifully by the Gabriella Burnel of London

Gabriella Burnel
Surabhāratī Suramyā 
A song about the delightful nature of the Sanskrit Language

This is what it means:

"The Language of the gods is beautiful, this is a beautiful garland of Vedas and beautiful sayings, it is the origin of 100 scriptures and sutras, great Rishis thought it, and the nature of this language is such that it appeals to the heart of the people. It is divine and blossomed here, it is incomparable like the gods, praised in the three worlds, it is the greatness of India, and in the world its greatness arose, it is very sacred, it is immeasurable, blessed with all good qualities, respected by all scholars and one should serve it for one's welfare"


Why I learned Sanskrit?

Chapter 5 verses 8-9 of the wonderful Bhagavad Gita speak of action: A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping, and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all.

I was inspired by this, (that if you are still, you are a channel for a power that works through you), so wrote a song based around the Sanskrit text of the Gita "Naiva Kincit Karomiti"

Here it is! Hope you enjoy it, along with the one handed piano.


I wanna remember I do nothing at all
Dhanyavada Brahma eva
A power works through me, I do nothing at all
And my door is always open for you
When you need to you can come through

I am myself I am a free soul
No one completes me I am a free soul
But I love connecting that's a sweet essential
You don't need to be any more than you are
Celebrate yourself and love someone else

Come on through
My door is always open for you
Tubhyam mama dvaaram

Naiva kincit karomiti


An improvised performance, layering harmonies over an original composition featuring the mantras used in Kundalini Yoga:

Guru, Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru - joyful expression in praise of the teacher 

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung - healing meditation


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