Monday, September 11, 2017

Fitness in old age through some easiest exercise # E004 #

     500 years ago Zen Guru LaoTse who was later also known as Tao taught the world how to live a healthy life and keep the balance of Mind-Body and Soul. In 1980, Japan's Tenrai Masao Hayashima - the 13th head of Longman School of Taoism revived this knowledge. He started NIHON-DOKAN to spread the awareness among people the benefits of this knowledge. He claimed and also proved that it was possible to get cured even of disease like Cancer through SWAISO exercise if done properly and regularly. For complete details please visit

      Here follows the Video clip showing how to do SWAISO exercise.

Here follows another Video clip; MUDRA THERAPY  
 the Indian art of keeping the body healthy at any age just by balancing the five elements of the body i.e. Fire,  Air, Space, Earth, and Water. 

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